An e-merchant in search of a committed logistician

Integrating reusable packaging for e-commerce and the external logistics involved


As committed brands, our customers select providers who share their values, this makes sense right? 

It is by working together that circular economy actors could really make a difference. Like us, our partner brand Spiridon and its logistician BJ Logistics are convinced this is the way forward. 

Carbon emissions, waste, and the impact of delivery — the e-commerce and logistics sectors are starting a shift towards more responsible operations. 

To show you how this can work, you will find in this use case the three-part virtuous circle formed of Spiridon, BJ Logistics, and Hipli

marque partnaire hipli spiridon

Spiridon and BJ Logistics 

Spiridon is an iconic heritage brand for all running lovers, which offers 100 % European designs. It designs and markets technical running clothing and sportswear made out of recycled fibres and organic cotton. The designs are inspired by the archives of the famous movement Spiridon (1972-1989). 

BJ Logistics is a specialist in e-commerce logistics. Automated and secure logistics platform, it supports all e-merchants towards a successful BtoB and BtoC e-business. Here are some key figures: 10,000 m² of logistics warehouse space and 30,000 shipments per month.

bj logistics x hipli colis reutilisable

An e-merchant in search of a committed logistician

Spiridon had the following expectations for its logistician : 

  • Strong organisational skills 
  • Securing goods 
  • Responsiveness
  • Flexibility
  • High-quality exchanges 
  • Environmental commitment
  • Good people management

BJ Logistics offers the following know-how and service to its customers : 

  • Agility
  • Responsiveness
  • Flexibility
  • Proactivity for ongoing development 
  • Quality
  • Partner satisfaction 
  • Favourable to integrating Hipli packaging into its logistics

The environmental requirement is now an essential aspect for webstores when looking for a logistician. The latter translates differently depending on the company: carbon-neutral or offsets, use of recycled or recyclable packaging, waste reduction, etc.

“The credibility of the brand’s overall approach is at stake, and it is what the community wants.”

Franck Tuil

CEO, of Spiridon

Choosing packaging that reflects the brand image

Spiridon wanted to go all the way with its eco-responsible approach by choosing to send its items in reusable packaging. To do so, the responsible clothing brand decided to collaborate with Hipli, a reusable packaging, up to 100 times. It therefore included in its logistician specifications the management of reusable packaging, and customers agree with this. 

100% satisfaction rate

Purchase recurrence rate>50% 

“Hipli parcels are innovative and have a huge role in the customer experience and in the quality of our e-commerce service.”

Franck Tuil

CEO, of Spiridon

Integrating Hipli packaging with logistics outsourcing

Hipli packaging was something new for BJ Logistics compared to conventional supply chain preparation methods. The team was very quick and open to implement this type of packaging in their order preparation process.

An integration mainly based on discussion and training for BJ Logistics: 

Spiridon and BJ Logistics’ field teams worked hand-in-hand to facilitate the integration of Hipli packaging.

Training courses were organised to support this development with BJ Logistics stakeholders.  

The following two aspects required particular attention:

  • The particularity of the packaging 
  • Training in new procedures

Hipli packaging is managed as in-stock items

BJ Logistics’ e-merchant customers using the Hipli service order their own packaging. 

Hipli packages are then integrated into the stocks of items by assigning them: 

  • a reference 
  • a location 
  • receptions
  • pickings

The benefits of Hipli packaging : 

No need for product cushioning 

Products can be returned in Hipli packaging

In the company’s own words

“We made the bet to “impose” Hipli packaging for our deliveries in France, as well as to take on the additional costs. Delivering with packaging that complies with Spiridon clothing is not an option. Without this service, we would feel like our offer is downgraded. 

The adoption rate is therefore 100% for France, with a satisfaction rate of 100% too, which is very rare. At Spiridon, the purchase recurrence rate is over 50%, customers would be unpleasantly surprised if we no longer had deliveries with Hipli. 

80% of them (of all generations) discovered that there were alternative transport packaging solutions to limit our environmental impact. 

We often receive very positive and surprised messages from new customers, of which Spiridon is also proud. Customers would be unpleasantly surprised if we were to stop delivering in Hipli.”

Franck Tuil

CEO, of Spiridon

“Hipli meets some of our order-picking goals. It’s a good service to further develop so that the general public is more aware of this alternative.”

Sylvain Bodillard

Sales manager, at BJ Logistics